Our Site Has Returned

So here’s what happened – on Tuesday our site stopped working and nobody could figure out why. After a couple days of trying to fix it, those wacky hosting guys decided to just delete everything and start from scratch. So now we’re restoring everything from my personal backups and it might take a few days for everything to return to normal. Right now little things like sound clips, video files and cgi scripts (like the control room) might not work like they should. But as I have time, I’ll work on fixing everything. Just be patient.

EvilCal put up the “for sale” message on the main page just to make visitors cry. I thought it was funny and I had planned to leave it like that over the weekend but all of the instant messages and emails that came pouring in started to depress me. It really seemed like a lot of people were taking it really hard that I would be giving up phonelosers.org to the highest bidder. I seriously think that some people are going to lose sleep about it tonight if they don’t get to read this update. I’d hate to be the blame for a rash of school shootings and/or suicides so I’m putting it back up tonight. Please do not panic anymore.

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve added quite a few new features to the site over the past few months into the pay phone menu bar. There’s the page of homemade projects, a collection of payphone inserts, comics for phreaks, and I’ve started updating my old archives page so you can read about old updates, rants, stories, etc that used to be on the main page. In unrelated news, Curtis Lee Jones’ website has also been updated recently with some new prank calls. They’re pretty funny and I highly recommend listening to them. It’s the same old stuff, Curtis trying really hard to sound smart while unknowingly making a complete fool out of himself.

So that’s the update.

Brad Carter

I run this town.

One thought on “Our Site Has Returned

  • October 10, 2012 at 3:02 am

    “They’re pretty funny and I highly recommend listening to them.” I tried following the link, but I could not connect. Could you please confirm that outside connections can communicate with this website? Thanks RBCP, and I just want to say that all your fans really appreciate your putting forth both the effort AND time to entertain your fans over all these years. I really like listening to your prank calls while playing computer games. The hacking/pranking world would be a much blander place without you.Take care.

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